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Showing posts from July 17, 2017

Is MBA the right choice for BBA Candidate?

Hello Student, Greetings of the Day!! Well, this is just like asking, “I am very near to my destination, should I search for a new one?” We are mostly confused with the carrier choices available after completing our 12 th .  But once we have opted the choice of doing BBA & thought of making our career in business field, We must reach to the final destination –Which is an MBA degree. Although, there are opportunities available after completing BBA. BBA graduates can be employed for roles in business management and sales. Some companies also offer roles of a production supervisor, planner and administrator. BBA graduates seek companies that are involved in the business of manufacturing, construction, retail, and finance. They can also apply for various government agencies. You can start your career after doing BBA but you will realize the importance of MBA degree after few years of your working career when you realize that your growth is restricted only on ...