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Showing posts from August 1, 2017

How to Kickoff your Hesitation?

Hello Students, Greetings of the day!! You might be naturally of introvert nature and feel uncomfortable while interacting with strangers. This means interacting in any language, not only in English. If this should be the case, I’m afraid you’ll just have to accept the fact that this is the way you are and be patient with yourself. Make sure you keep the conversation going by asking the other person some questions, so that you can get to know him or her better. Once you’ve done that, you might feel more at ease in their presence and will be ready to tell them about yourself in return.    Here are some tips which you can use during your presentation or public appearance: Anxiety kills all the confidence we hold:  The feeling of falling, even before you stand will for sure give you negatives first. It is recommended to practice meditation in prior to your public appearance or public addressing for two weeks before you talk, try meditating or concen...

Here is what you surely don't know about Retail Trends.

Hello Friends Greetings of the Day!! Walmart's previous reported test of facial recognition technology seems to be one of the stranger episodes in the recent history of retail. The accuracy of the report and Walmart's intentions for testing the technology, as well as its experience, were questioned in 2015 in the days following the Fortune report. The fact that the retailer might again be developing an application around facial recognition technology is not exactly surprising. Companies like Mastercard are starting to move in the direction of using the technology for payments verification. Also, the technology system that Walmart apparently is developing and seeking a patent on has some similarities to the  Emotion AI system created by Cloverleaf using technology from Affective . That approach is a shelf-based system that seeks to capture shopper sentiment at the time that a decision to purchase (or not purchase) is made. The system recognizes some aspects of a sh...

Here is what you surely don't know about B.Sc

Dear Students, Greetings of the Day!! If you've decided to take admission in B.Sc then this blog is for you…It will help you in understanding various opportunities available for you .Now you don’t have to confine yourself to B.Sc in PCM or ZBC only.. There are many other courses with which great opportunities waiting for you..  B.Sc.   is the highly studied course which is generally of 3 years. You can take admission in either B.Sc. (ZBC/PCM) or B.Sc. in professional courses (Biotechnology/Hom e Science). There are a wide range of courses available for you Science stream. It's your choice what you want..A plain B.Sc or B.Sc Honours. 1. Plain B.Sc. Course B.Sc ( PCM) B.Sc. ZBC: B Sc. with Zoology, Botany , Chemistry is a basic degree which has animal science, plant science and chemistry in its core.It will provide you a versatile career. Do not hesitate t.o go for it. After B Sc. you can go for MSc. Thereafter you can qualify UGC-NET...

What is Hot in the Revised Syllabus of MBA of AKTU?

Hello Student Greetings of the Day!! Well it is surprising as well interesting too, that this year AKTU has made some changes in the curriculum of second year of MBA and has changed the number of subjects and specialization subjects to be studied by the students..  Well We know and believe that you must be curious to know about it more, so FYI we are writing out the name of the subjects too.. Here have a look.  Thanks for reading this article...