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Showing posts from August 12, 2017

Is English Communication Mandatory for BBA and MBA Students?

Hello Students, Greetings of the day As you see English is necessary in each and every aspect of life. In India,  English  holds a very respectable position. English has undoubtedly emerged as one the most common languages in the world, especially in the professional courses like BBA and MBA. It is an essential language of communication. If you want to do BBA or MBA English is very important, When it comes to the education, the entire syllabus is in English. Therefore, it becomes very essential for anyone to speak or write good English. May be at the time of studying you may not feel much, but when it comes to giving an interview, it becomes very vital because knowing something is different from putting it in words in the right sentence it what people see in the candidate, Which is called communication skills.                                            ...